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My name Dave, I have been riding since 1971, first bike was a Honda 50 C100, then a bought a BSA B33 for £5, that was different, bump start until i go the hang of kick stating the beast. Next big bike was a Triumph 5TA which cost me £15 but i had to get it running before the owner would sell it to me. Later in the 70's I gathered enough parts to build a Triumph hard tailed Chopper using pre unit Bonnie engine, still have that bike to this day but I am now altering it so i can endure riding with a rigid back end. If that doesn't work it will get a swinging arm again. I also have had, and still have but in bits, a Honda CB750 for many years after a short spell with a Z1B in the mid 70's. I have another Z1B now amongst other bikes, mainly classics.

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