Hello from Nevada

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Joined up to learn more about my Tiger. First Triumph for me. Been riding for years, more than I want to admit to....

Recently added a 2015 Tiger 800 XcX to the stable to go with the Harley and the Can Am Spyder. Love the way it handles. Fun thru the twisty stuff. Have owned more bikes than I can remember, but this one is a keeper.

Bought it from a guy that beat it, so have been catching up with its maintenance and putting it back the way it should be. Its only got 6000 miles, so most is fixable.

Lots of gravel roads around here, which is where I intend to use it. Just put some TKC 70's on it, so ready to go. Would love to hear from any one out there from this neck of the woods.
Welcome to TT from Eastern Canada as well.
Pretty low mileage for the year of your Tiger. Hope it gives you lots of good times once you get it up to snuff.