Head Gasket Problems

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You should give some more info to explain your problem. eg, what was the original problem, what steps have you taken etc. That would help us help you.
Sorry about that just frustrated never had this problem before. I had an oil leak at the head gasket and so I changed it and now it seems fine I take a ride and not a mile down the road oil everywhere . So I tear her down again and get advise from an old triumph guy, he says it's coming past the rigs so we tear it down to find out the previous owner changed the rings, but didn't hone cylinders so we did and put new rings new head gasket and still leaking oil at head gasket how many time's do you have to torque the head. It's a 1978 Triumph T-140E Bonneville
There are 893 places a Triumph head can leak oil. You have to THOROUGHLY clean it and let it dry off, then dust it with talcum powder. Take it for a brief ride (however long it usually takes to start showing leakage), then look carefully and bear in mind oil will be pushed by airflow across the head as you ride, so the first sign of oil from the top and front is the origin of the leak.

A MAJOR typical leak spot is the pushrod tube joints under the head...
When I retorqed it the socket nut under the rocker box split so I have ordered new one's then I will start over. And yes the rear pushed tube was leaking. Thanks for all the advice.
I always get a little twitchy when someone says they have an expert giving them advice yet the problem persists. No matter how much oil is escaping past the rings this is no reason for the head gasket to leak. Excess oil from rings or worn valve guides should simply end up in the exhaust. Without wishing to be rude I would be careful what advice you follow. This forum is an excellent way to get multiple opinions and hopefully avoid any costly mistakes. GP and a number of others can be relied upon to give sound advice. By both following and hopefully posting on this forum you will very quickly discover those people who know their stuff when it comes to all things Triumph. Good luck with the rebuild and keep posting with your experiences. Nothing helps other Triumph owners more than reading how another owner fixed a problem.

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