has anyone used sunglasses like these

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I have a heck of a time with glasses. there are at least 6 or 7 things that have to be right or they drive me nuts. And if i find a pair i like they break a week later. I recently found the ones below by foster grant and they meet all the requirements i have except for one that i cannot know till i buy them....how well they keep the wind out. I can usually tell glasses that do well with wind by looking at them, but i have only used one other pair that like the pic below had no frame around the bottom of the lens. They were very windy. But these are far more wrap around, tho the lenses are not as tall. So while $20 isn't a lot of money, it IS if i try them out only to find they're worthless to me because of the wind factor. The reason I'm so interested in them that i went to the trouble to post is there are a lot of things about them i haven't found in such abundance in any other glasses, but i just don't want to toss a 20 spot and tax down the toilet to find out whether they'll be usable. I spent $40 on glasses in the last 2 weeks....2 broke and one has arms that kill my ears after about an hour ! I'm really sick of throwing away money on them, so this pair interests me greatly because so many things are right.

So the question is whether anyone has used grasses with lenses very similar in shape to these and with no frame around them on the bottom. And if so, where did they rank as far as keeping the wind from curling around the edges and heading straight for your eyeballs?

have you used ones like these? I think i should also mention that i'm not expecting to keep the wind fully out. No sunglasses do that, even the foam lined bike glasses i tried and tossed. But some do better than others and all i want id a pair that does as good as the better 30% of them. In other words, i just don't want to find out they're some of the worse.
thing is dale, they may seal well against my face, but be rubbish on yours.
I wouldnt buy any riding glasses I hadnt tried for fit.
The ones I wear cost me $29 kiwi and they fit like a glove and are good for wind deflection up to 140 or 150 kph without a prob, which is vital for me cos I ride with an open face helmet unless the weather is real bad.
Well, the thing is they DO fit, and worlds better than any glasses i ever had. So i just bit the bullet and bought them. The wind factor IS a bit more than i would have liked, but they are so good in many other ways i'm glad i bought them. If for no other reason than around town use. For long rides with freeway miles i can use them, but i may prefer a different pair. i will have to see how the wind bothers me in warmer temps because i only used them at 6 am so far, and colder air always feels much more bothersome than warm.

Anyways, i gotta say that wind aside they are the ultimate glasses of the probably 30-40 pairs i have used in the last 4 years since i got the speedy. They have nylon frame that won't easily break. The nylon has that rubberay feel and makes them hold very tight to my hair so on the freeway they stick like glue when i turn my head to change lanes. (lost many pairs like that!) The color of the lenses is a light smoke, absolutely perfect to what i like. They don't touch my face or eyebrows so they don't get that oil from your face on them so i'm not having to clean them after every ride. HUGE bonus there ! And the best thing of all is it actually feels like i'm not wearing glasses. I don't see any of the frame or anything when riding, they have soft rubber nose pads, and they fit so well it's like i'm not wearing glasses aside from the protection from wind and debris. I have to say that wind aside, these are so far and away superior to anything i've had before i'm extremely happy with them. Oh, and the lenses are also more scratch resistant. usually first time i clean them i can see the fine swirl marks in the right light. Not with these, and the view is clear as a bell. If the wind issue were better they'd be worth $100 in my book. More if glasses weren't so easy to lose. And i think i can figure out how to rectiry that too.
True, but i knew that. I just wanted to know what works best among glasses, or more specifically how these compare to other sunglasses. I noticed that in cold weather they are too windy because cold gets in your eyes and makes them water. In warm weather the wind isn't an issue and on hot days it's actually a bonus.They are also not good at speeds over about 90 because when i look at my speedo at those speeds, tilting my head down to look causes them to grab the wind and start bouncing around and i can't see the speedo. So they aren't perfect, but on the 2 long rides i did this weekend they worked great aside from the high speed issue, and i don't normally ride that fast. they're great for weather over say 65 and speeds under 90. So that is about 95% of my riding. Glad i bought them but i will likely get a pair i can use on cold morning commutes because thats the only real problematic issue. But otherwise there are so many benefits over other glasses i've had i love them.
I wear prescription glasses anyway, but I can't ride with just glasses. The wind causes my eyes to water too much. I have to wear over-the-glasses goggles with an open face helmet, but most recently I bought an HJC open face helmet with integrated sunglasses and a clear face shield. I wear it mainly on hot days, but when I tour I wear a full face flip-up helmet.
Oh, i see. There are some helmets i really like that are open face and have that. One is called the AVG dragon, but it fits me horribly. There are a few others that are similar, one being the momo. These are like helicopter helmets and the visor is rather short and looks like a pair of glasses so i don't know how good they'll do with wind. All of them have something about them i don't like tho. the momo has in huge letters written across it "MOMO DESIGN". What goes thru thier head when they decide to do asomething like that which will only hurt sales is beyond me. I never considered that helmet even tho i love t just because of that. The AVG fits only round heads. theres another who's name eludes me at the moment.
Actually i just like those heli type helmets, but i have no need for another. I just tossed my old HJC 1/2 helmet and bought another just like it by Z1R not long ago. If i got one of those heli types it would be just because i like the design. I'm fine with sunglasses really. I prefer the wind in my face.
I like open face helmets. However I choose full face because of the bugs in the Southeast and for safety. I would have had plastic surgery as a result of my January get off had I not been wearing a full face helmet.
