My Tiger is for sure the most comfortable bike I’ve owned. The America I am still trying to figure out. My inclination is to lean back a bit. But rear suspension is harsh. Sitting straighter or even a bit of a forward lean would help. I was thinking about some kind of flat wide bars. Instead of wide pull back like it came with.Staight arms while riding will hurt my back but I drop my elbows a bit so I am then moved closer and my back is in a more normal position. I also wear a cheapie back support I purchashed off of e bay which helps keep my back straight. I am 66 and find this the most comfortable bike I have ever owned. Hope this helps you.
The America sure inclines you to lean back and get that armchair thing happening. C ould you adjust your rear suspension and soften it up a bit? I have also moved my handlebars down a bit as I was losing blood flow to my arms and it made me stretch my arms out even more. Worst comes to worst you will just have to spend the money and try new bars. Best of luck.My Tiger is for sure the most comfortable bike I’ve owned. The America I am still trying to figure out. My inclination is to lean back a bit. But rear suspension is harsh. Sitting straighter or even a bit of a forward lean would help. I was thinking about some kind of flat wide bars. Instead of wide pull back like it came with.
well I spent some money anyway..... no more Jarring of the spine.The America sure inclines you to lean back and get that armchair thing happening. C ould you adjust your rear suspension and soften it up a bit? I have also moved my handlebars down a bit as I was losing blood flow to my arms and it made me stretch my arms out even more. Worst comes to worst you will just have to spend the money and try new bars. Best of luck.