Bonneville T100
I saw this item on eBay and decided to purchase it to satisfy my curiosity as to whether or not it was better than the H4 Hallogen bulb I now use. It is actually much better. It does not produce the same amount of light that a HID Xenon ballast system produces, but it is substancially better than the H4 Hallogen bulb I was using. When this bulb goes down I have a 7" sealed beam hallogen bulb I will use to see how it compares. After that I will probably either get an HID Xenon system or stop riding at night period (which I do very little of now due to the ever increasing deer population and their love for running across the road in front of you).
I saw this item on eBay and decided to purchase it to satisfy my curiosity as to whether or not it was better than the H4 Hallogen bulb I now use. It is actually much better. It does not produce the same amount of light that a HID Xenon ballast system produces, but it is substancially better than the H4 Hallogen bulb I was using. When this bulb goes down I have a 7" sealed beam hallogen bulb I will use to see how it compares. After that I will probably either get an HID Xenon system or stop riding at night period (which I do very little of now due to the ever increasing deer population and their love for running across the road in front of you).