Greetings from Northern New Jersey

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Happy Holidays, all!

Got my first Triumph this year - a 2011 Bonnie SE. Have made a few changes, but next highest priority is fixing the stock suspension.


Thanks! After much research, I finally ordered a set of Hagon Nitros from Dave Quinn. Will probably try Ricor Intiminators, and if needed, upgrade the front springs to a slightly heavier single rate spring more in line with my weight.

I'll report back when I've made the changes and gotten a chance for a decent ride (might not be until spring).


Forty some folks report the Intiminators create a pogo-sticking effect. I hope it works for you. I went with Bellacorse's Hagon shock/spring combo on special this month for $399.
Walter, welcome aboard from the Sunshine State. Congratulations on the Bonnie SE and welcome to the world of Triumphs. I am curious, not critical. Why did you choose a single rate front spring?

To be honest, Carl - my head is spinning from all the recommendations I've read on one forum or another. I'm resigned to the probability that whatever I choose will not be quite right the first time.

I like to keep things simple, so in my mind a single rate spring seems to simplify the investigation. I'll probably try the Intiminators first, and then decide about new springs. It will be more work that way, but I'll learn more. I've heard about the possibility that the Intiminators will cause a bit of front-end "bounce" under certain circumstances, and I've also read that a .050 hole gun-drilled through the bolt solves that. I plan to speak to someone at Ricor and get their take on it. Funny thing is that I experienced similar behavior after putting Racetech cartridge emulators in a Ducati Multistrada.

Time and experimentation will tell.

I see; that it explains it well. I have found that that a variable rate spring in the front does the best job. Most of the folks I know that own Bonnies, and that is a couple of hundred, have gone that route. I installed Progressives in my 03 T100. That alone changed the handing for the better. It was like night and day. The stock suspension on the Bonneville, Scrambler, and Thruxton is OK; it will do the job. But it is mediocre. A new or less experienced rider will never notice. An upgrade really transforms these bikes. You will find the right combination; you seem to well know what you are doing. Please let us know what ends up working best for you.


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