No big thing, but when I bought a new self-canceling turn signal flasher for the T100 from New Bonneville, we discovered that there is a "split year" change for said flasher relay. The earlier ones, like mine, have the standard 3 prong setup; the later ones have a "pigtail" with the 3 contacts in it. I just removed the old one and took the plug out of the rubber holder, turned the holder upside down to lower it, and replaced the plug into it, then reinstalled the holder. The new flasher is taller, but a bit of "judicious persuasion" got it under the side cover upper bracket and there was plenty of room for it to fit. I did cover the extra plug holes with duct tape to prevent any possibility of water getting in it. The unit works fine and the only thing you have to remember is to hit the "cancel" button before you can use the signals again. Certainly better than riding for miles with it on.
Don't ask the "village idiot" how he knows these things: Jim
Don't ask the "village idiot" how he knows these things: Jim