Forum slow?

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hairy old fart
Supporting Member
Is it just from my end or are others allso experiencing very slow connection speeds.
I'm only getting it when I come here and its on the initial opening of the site and usually on the back functions.
Sometimes its quicker to close the page and reopen the home page than it is to use the back button.
any thoughts ?
Devo, I have the same problem once in a while. The back button seems to hang up or goes too far back to a previous site. Maybe I'm just impatient and clicking too many times :ya2:
I just had my system upgraded with a new motherboard, processor and RAM and it's working much better these days.
If I use firefox as my browser the site loads really quick, so does all the pages.
When I use Internet explorer, the site loads slowly and the back button needs a double click to go back one page!
Thanks guys
Generally its not to bad, its just that some days its diabolical.
BTW, when its bad, I try thru firefox (Safari is my default) and it makes no difference.
Also, it only occurs on this site, so that rules out anything at this end.
I have not noticed it being slow at all but then when my system slows down it is normally my ISP. Here is my speed using the back option in FF

Page created in 0.499 seconds with 25 queries.
Page created in 0.308 seconds with 25 queries.

I have now also disabled the Google search option to see if it is better. Speed without Google search bar

Page created in 0.342 seconds with 25 queries.
Page created in 0.298 seconds with 27 queries.

It has seemed to speed it up on most pages so please let me know how it is on your side :y18:
Dave, I traced it a while back and the Google search option does slow loading down even on initial loads. Sometimes the slow down is far more severe than other times.
I've noticed having to hit the back button twice to go back. Seemed like it was only after viewing a posted You Tube or other animated page. Other than that, its great.