The Seeker Thunderbird Supporting Member Apr 21, 2013 #2 I have it pre-installed on my phone but have no idea what it is. I thought it was just another one of those intrusive things that tells the world everything you're doing. Posted with TapaTalk
I have it pre-installed on my phone but have no idea what it is. I thought it was just another one of those intrusive things that tells the world everything you're doing. Posted with TapaTalk
The Seeker Thunderbird Supporting Member Apr 21, 2013 #4 Oh...well then I'm not interested in it. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Posted with TapaTalk
DaveM Rock & Roll Supporting Member Apr 21, 2013 #5 On a personal note I don't use them much but from the forums side they are a great tool to increase ratings
On a personal note I don't use them much but from the forums side they are a great tool to increase ratings
CarlS Charter Member #3 Staff member Staff Supporting Member Apr 21, 2013 #6 I will definitely pass on using it.