I went to the ranch yesterday for the first time since tropical storm Debbie. I had to wait until I could get to my home with a 4X2. It has been four weeks since Debbie flooded Suwanee County with 26 inches/66 centimeters of rain. The ground was pretty well saturated from the previous tropical storm three weeks earlier. While my home and the ranch owner's home were high and dry. All access was cut off. She could only get out by boat. Many roads in the county are closed and one can only drive across the county on I10. US 90 is still flooded in places as are many of the back roads. Some homes are still flooded, though the water has dropped about four feet. The Suwanee River has crested so things will slowly drain down - then repairs can begin.
This is the entrance to ranch. Looking towards the upper right is 27th Road Looking to the lower right is the ranch entrance, my driveway. Looking to the left is 192d Avenue. Obviously these roads are only accessible by boat and swamp buggy.

This photo shows 27th Road looking north. This is the way I usually come to my house. Notice the high water mark on the oak to the right. Our mailboxes were completely under water. At left center, you can see the street sign for 192nd Ave and 27th Rd. There are spots in the road where the water is still eight feet/2.4 meters deep.

This 27th Road in normal times looking south. 192nd Ave goes to the ride and the ranch entrance to the left. The red arrow points to my house.

Fortunately there is a back entrance to ranch; but this was flooded and impassible to even 4X4's for four days.

This shot is normally pasture. A small pond has become a big lake. Note the fish striking near the center of the photo.

Flooded timberland on the ranch.

This is the entrance to ranch. Looking towards the upper right is 27th Road Looking to the lower right is the ranch entrance, my driveway. Looking to the left is 192d Avenue. Obviously these roads are only accessible by boat and swamp buggy.

This photo shows 27th Road looking north. This is the way I usually come to my house. Notice the high water mark on the oak to the right. Our mailboxes were completely under water. At left center, you can see the street sign for 192nd Ave and 27th Rd. There are spots in the road where the water is still eight feet/2.4 meters deep.

This 27th Road in normal times looking south. 192nd Ave goes to the ride and the ranch entrance to the left. The red arrow points to my house.

Fortunately there is a back entrance to ranch; but this was flooded and impassible to even 4X4's for four days.

This shot is normally pasture. A small pond has become a big lake. Note the fish striking near the center of the photo.

Flooded timberland on the ranch.