correct product to line the gas tank with once I clean all the scale off?
I would never "line" a tank. There are various derusting products that will remove corrosion. Once done:-
. If you cannot use the tank for a long period because the bike needs other work, seal all the openings except one, squirt in some corrosion blocker like ACF50, seal that last opening.
. If you can use the tank, use it. Just do not leave fuel containing ethanol in it for more than very short periods. If ever you are not sure how long you might not use the bike, fail safe is to drain the fuel into a sealed container.
modern full synthetic oil?
I would not in an engine that has not run for twenty years, because gaskets and other seals will have dried out. Imho, you might be better starting with a cheap 20w50, finding and fixing all leaks; hopefully, that will only take a few hundred miles, then change the cheap oil either for more expensive dead dino juice or full synthetic.
The more expensive the oil, the more you should think hard about fitting at least one proper micropore oil filter - the standard gauze strainers are useless. Three types will fit your bike:-
. "Charlie's filter" fits in place of the strainer in the bottom of the frame tube; e.g. look at Motao for one of these?
. Car-type screw-on canister, that mounts on the large frame tube.
MAP do a filter that uses the element fitted to all Triumph and BSA triple engines. There is also
a more expensive version by a UK seller; the upside of more expensive is it is easier to mount.
. The "Charlie's" filters the oil going into the engine, the other two filter oil coming out of the engine before it goes into the frame. The latter two have an advantage if you blow up the engine ...
lithium ion batteries to save weight and space.
Li and similar batteries will save weight but not much space, they're stunningly expensive for what they can do on a kickstart only motorcycle. You probably should also consider replacing the standard separate rectifier and Zener diode regulator with a relatively expensive MOSFET combined regulator/rectifier ...
Otoh, you could consider an inexpensive burglar alarm battery like the Yuasa NP7? If you know anyone at a burglar/fire alarm servicing company, you could ask if they would supply you ones removed from systems during servicing, for even less money?