Hey, are those standard Triumph dash lights? My Unit 650 tranny doesn't have a provision for a neutral light and I've removed the signals in favor of (polite) hand gestures, but I do have an oil pressure sender and bright indicator. So, in the event that I roll my own dash or just center idiot light plate, it'd be useful to have nifty lights like those.
I may end up opting for round bar-end mirrors rather than the tapered rectangles that came with the bike; yours look nice.
You've done a good job with fitment... 1.5" risers on the clip-ons? I think your fairing has more room in the steering cutouts than my Ducati replica. Yours looks so nice I'm eager for it to get here so I can dive in! (I ordered it polished per your recommendation--and to avoid the effort you put in.)