Evaporust, Rust Remover, Review By Adam Savage

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Adam Savage, of the show Myth Busters, last week did an UNPAID product review of Evapo-Rust. This caught my attention because I was looking for such a product. Not only safe for the user, but safe for the environment, AND re-usable.

And here is an image of the vise I am trying to restore to usable condition. The vise sat in 3-4 inches (76-100 mm) of the solution over the weekend, without touching it whatsoever.
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G, i don't know what you are cleaning but have you tried 20% vinegar? I remove alot of rust in my business, there are alot of products out there that i have tried but vinegar works cheaper than alot of them. Best thing is to clean it as well as possible first, that makes your solution "go father" no matter what you are using. Also some of the rust removal products out there is nothing more than vinegar with the sent removed.
Ive been using that product for a couple years now, VERY impressed with it. Does clean rust very good, doesn’t seem to be caustic to skin, rubber gaskets, plastic, or paint. At least if just spilled on it, I think soaking a painted surface it my remove paint. But’s helped me on at least three restorations so far.
G, i don't know what you are cleaning but have you tried 20% vinegar? I remove alot of rust in my business, there are alot of products out there that i have tried but vinegar works cheaper than alot of them. Best thing is to clean it as well as possible first, that makes your solution "go father" no matter what you are using. Also some of the rust removal products out there is nothing more than vinegar with the sent removed.
And the C. Just kidding.
Ive restored a 390 Husky, a CB350 Honda and a CB900F; all were very rusty and corroded, especially little things, nuts, bolts, screws, clamps, almost all of the parts. The Envirorust did an amazing job! I haven’t tried vinegar for rust removal though, use it for other things so may give it a try. BUT you are right, NO ODOR with Envirorust, not sure I want to walk into my shop after a bowl of vinegar sets overnight. :):):)
I’ve used it on everything including rubber brake lines and the fittings; hasn’t harmed a thing and cleaned the rust off of everything. Soaked a complete rear shock assembly with the springs removed of course, no damage to the seals, may have helped them as they were seeping anyway. Also soaked the springs and collars and mostly removed all the rust from them. When I bought that 900, I just assumed I would have to rechrome everything; after putting just about every piece of chrome in the ER, don’t think I’ll have to. The carbs weren’t “rusty” obviously but it did talke some of the oxidation off and shined them up without hurting any of the gaskets or rubber o rings.
Hey guys, i am not trying to sell you on Vinegar i have probably used 95% of the products out there for rust removal, Evapo-Rust (Harris International Laboratories), Rust Reformer (Rust-Oleum), Rust dissolver (Loctite), The Must For Rust (Supreme Chemicals Of Georgia), Inc, and Safest Rust Remover (Ultra One Corp) among many others. For my uses for example i have to have a product that is fluid enough to reach places easy, for example the inside top of a M/C fuel tank, I always use vinegar first to remove any gum, oils, ect. and it always removes a lot of the rust most of the time, a second solution of 20% Vinegar works very well. The best i have ever tried is Safest Rust Remover, a gallon will cost over $100 dollars, so you can see that anything to cut cost is worth a try.
i am not trying to sell you on Vinegar
I know that TD, and I know you have tons more experience than I'll ever have; it's just that I never thought of vinegar until you mentioned it. I put this stuff in the low-middle range as far as price. California prices for a gallon was $30 at Harbor Freight and $27 at O'Reilly Auto Parts. I didn't see the next size up (3.5 gallons) at Harbor Freight, so I picked it up at O'Reilly for $70. I have the vise split in two halves right now, and now I have enough solution to submerge everything in a 5-gallon bucket
G, i get it from Home Depot, and Lowes has it to. This was about a year ago, i bought up 5 gal. i don't know how much it was, i do remember i got change back ( not much) from $100, that includes 7% tax. That 30% will probably work better than 20%, but at $30 you might be better off to use something else, i didn't know V was that much now but i haven't priced anything in a long time. Have you ever considered a hand helt sand blaster? I have one i use all the time but you have to be cautious breathing all that dust, i use a fan and a face mask. I will say a SB can be used on so many things ounce you get used to it, its surprising what can be done with certain blast materials like glass beads ect they even have walnut shells ground up and all kind of material's like that. There is a big thing now called soda blasting, i haven't used anything like that but i know that Dentist even use it for cleaning teeth. Also you can get your sand free from the creek and strain it through a piece of screen wire. They don't cost much at Harbor Fright.

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