end of season

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Hoping that Tue. or Wed. i can get out for a bit. Gonna get into the 50's here in PA. One last hoorah. 50's is up to double digits C for the rest of the world.
Yes it seems like our riding season is finally here.
Yes indeed! We can finally ride without sweating to death!

For our northern friends, I spent 5 hours today mowing, trimming, weed whacking, etc. on my acre. I should not have to do this again until just before Christmas. Then maybe not until late February (depending on the weather). It was 79 F/26 C here today. But I would rather mow than shovel snow any day!
I wonder if I can talk the wife into letting me ride down to Bradenton next May when we visit her Mom and family? Gonna have to start planting those seeds.
I haven't seen snow since I left England and we rarely saw snow as impressive as you obviously receive. I do miss it and Christmas day when it can reach over 40 deg c just doesn't work for me. No way Santas sled has aircon. Plastic reindeers and Christmas lights with dry baked earth! Winter here is the best time to ride.
Still riding and now up to 3600 km with no misfires (for those that followed my plug oiling post). About ready for a complete engine oil change. Snowmobile with Triumph engine, that would be cool. Won't ride without full gear but jeez it gets a little warm. I do worry about being stuck at traffic lights for too long on a 60's air cooled engine built for the UK climate. Anyone had their motor seize due to overheating?
do worry about being stuck at traffic lights for too long on a 60's air cooled engine built for the UK climate. Anyone had their motor seize due to overheating?
I have not had it happen to me; but I have seen it happen to others. I came close to having it happen with my 03 T100 when riding in a Memorial Day parade. I felt the engine cxhange and I pulled over and turned the bike off. After the bike cooled down some, I went on my way with no damage.
BGRIN a Triumph engine in a snowmobile would be "different" to say the least!
I've been to Oz and experienced the 40C temps. For a Canadian with Eskimo blood that was overpowering!
In this area so close to the cold North Atlantic, we don't ever get that hot. A hot day here would be about 30-32C. That's too hot for me to ride so I often ride in the early morning and find breakfast along the way.
I've never had an engine seize, but once in a while I'll run into road construction and get held up for quite a while so I shut the engine off.
Huh? Some of u have a riding season ? Well, i guess i understand, as there's no way i'd be riding in freezing cold. Take today here in so cal for example....no way i'm getting on the bike today with weather that may not even quite make it to 70 ! Now a few days back when it was 90, sure. But these sub 70 degree days....well, u can imagine how horrible the wind chill wold be at say 68f ! No way !
I live in the lower foothills of California and for November. It's been around, in the lower sixties. All I've had to do, is make sure that I wear my long john top, with a nice warm t-shirt, my hoodie, leather jacket and my vest over all that. So that way, I've got some pockets that I can carry my small stuff around with me in. I zip that up. Plus, I've just been wearing my levis too, instead of my leather pants. I've been really enjoying riding in this nice weather, that we've been getting here in California. All except for paying out the butt for gas. But What can you do? They have you coming and going. If it wasn't so damn wind today? I'd be out there, riding right now. But for some reason, it's really windy today and I really don't want to be out there riding in that kind of wind. I made special time yesterday, to lube my chain down real nicely too. Because, I planned on going for a ride today. But instead, I get heavy winds today. Oh well, Murphy's Law. I'll go tomorrow, It should still be nice weather. But without the high winds, that I'm getting today. I'll just stay home today and work on my bass guitar chops, instead. Might as well not make it, a total loss.
Also, my Bobber really loves this weather. Runs like a bat out of hell. I've ridin in rain, really cold weather, then also cold rain soaked and cold to the bone. I'm talking about in the low 40's too. But, I was younger then and all I had was my HD. I remember one time, I was on vacation and my generator crapped out on me. So I had to find the nearest HD dealer. To buy a new armature, along with brushes and I rebuilt the generator in the parking lot. Put it back in and proceeded on my way. Such was the life of a biker, in his younger days. When I still had hair too.

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