Electronic Ignition? - jcm4104

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I had a Lucas Rita on my bike ('79 Bonny) originally but it conked out. I then installed a Boyer Bransden which I still have on it and it starts on the first kick. However, I am having an electric starter put on it so it should start on the first turn over. From what I have heard the Tri-Spark unit is an excellent unit, but costs $330 AU so I have no idea how much that converts or how much it would cost to be shipped here.
The Boyer system has been around a long time. One thing I do like about the Tri-Spark and Pazon systems is that they will start with the voltage down around 8V while the Boyer will not unless they have made this improvement since I installed mine. If something happens to my Boyer I am not sure if I would switch to a Tri-Spark unit or not. The Boyer has been very reliable.
I've got a 77 Bonneville with twin points, and it starts first or second kick when the battery is flat on it's back.....
Butr if you have to put electronic ignition on the Pazon unit was designed much later than the others, and is a better unit (if only in that it isn't so sensitive to low battery voltage). Just fix it, ride it, and enjoy it.
Iv'e used a lot of analogue Boyer's. They are voltage sensitive. I know SFA about electronics, but I think the analogue Boyer's are fully advanced until the parameter voltage is applied. At which time they goto the base line timing and work as expected. When the voltage drops below that, the black box reverts to it's full advance condition. Not good.

If your charging system is up to snuff. I doubt you will left out in the cold with an analogue Boyer.

I can't speak for the other ignition systems. I doubt you would see any performance increase from the other systems, on a stock bike. But... they may tolerate a weak charging system.

If I'm off, please let me know. I still have a couple Meridan bikes, with Boyer's mind you.


I can't really think the digital Boyers could make any more HP or torque on the old original "Lucas points" bikes than the
Hee hee always makes me think of the "Italian tune-up": Hold the throttle wide open and either the problems will go away, or it'll blow up. that actually works for some jetting problems and low voltage issues.
Ive been out of the "Classic" new stuff for a while. Ignition has always been the Achilles heel of most classic Brit bikes. Long live "electronic ignition". Charging the "battery" is also a problem of the past.

So, whats the skinny? What current ignition systems are available? How do they differ from each other? Why is one better than another?
The logic / programming and advance curves, especially starting advance setting, are the key.

Also, durability of construction and high grade of components, affect price.

Performance record figures in.

Tri-Spark are still the best.

I like Pazon, (I sell them).
I always wanted to put an analogue Boyer on my syncrograph. But never did it. So I can't speak about it's advance curve. In the 60's 70's we used to recurve car distributors all the time, make them best for the task at hand. Not a thing we can do with the electronic stuff, or am I wrong?

How do the curves come in on the new electronic ignitions? How are they better? Links?

Has far as reliability goes, I cant fault the Boyer. Mind they did have a brief problem problem with the wiring in the points cavity, but that was soon rectified.

On a cafe' racer I have, the black box is glued to the inside of the "7""headlight shell. It has been there for at least 10 years. No air flow, constant heat from an H4 lamp, not a problem. I have a buddy that we also mounted the Black box in his chopper headlight, probably a year before me. No problems.

Various other bikes, no problems....... unless you have charging system problems. Thats when trouble will begin.

If your charging system is good I can't see any problem.
i just got myself a boyer ignition yet to install it was a toss up between sparx or boyer . most of the older bikes down here have boyer will let you know how it goes

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