Digital Photography - Has anyone noticed this???

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Earlier this evening I was searching for a particular photo on my pc. Using search string *.jp*, to list all still pics only, I was amazed to see photos I had forgotten I had even taken.

Unlike the days of having film developed and printed, when I used to inspect every set, it seems that in these days of "free" photography it is easy to click click click and then upload
with the "I'll look at them later" attitude.

Maybe it is just my personal m.o. ?
Not me, I've seen every photo on my PC.
From 2001 when I got my first digital camera I started a new folder every mth. I make sure at the end of the mth all photos are loaded into that mths folder, I then go over each photo and delete about half for various reasons (usually because I have too many similar to each other). To date I have 161 folders containing 20,552 photos totalling 56.3GB.

Now what mth and year did I take that photo of the ... FACE
I must admit I tend to also forget that I have taken some photo and I also save them in folders like Kevin. A few years back I lost most of my photos with a PC crash so I learned form that and now backup everything.
I must admit I tend to also forget that I have taken some photo and I also save them in folders like Kevin. A few years back I lost most of my photos with a PC crash so I learned form that and now backup everything.

I've got a 1TB removable hard drive that gets plugged in at the end of each mth and my photos and accounts get updated and then stored away from my computer.
That's the beauty of digital photography and a large memory card - shoot lots of pics and sort them out and edit them when you get home. I often take several shots of the same subject and later choose the best one.
When I came home from Peru four years ago I had nearly 700 pics on the memory card. My travelling buddy, Carl, had just over 700 pics :y13: :y2:
I have all my pics sorted into subject folders on my computer. At one point I had over 6000 pics in the harddrive and they were using up a lot of space so I burned most of the older folders onto CD's and make DVD slide shows of them.
Photography today certainly is a giant leap forward from the B & W days.
Rocky, when my daughter was married in our back yard in 2011 the photographer gave me a disc with 1,250 photos on it. I kept all of those, I have seven shots almost the same as this one, but can't delete any of them.

I must admit I tend to also forget that I have taken some photo and I also save them in folders like Kevin. A few years back I lost most of my photos with a PC crash so I learned form that and now backup everything.

I had that same experience two years ago.

I've got a 1TB removable hard drive that gets plugged in at the end of each mth and my photos and accounts get updated and then stored away from my computer.

I also back up on a 1TB USB hard drive.

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