Dealership Rant

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Tiger Rider
Staff member
Supporting Member
So My T'bird is due for it's first big service at 20K kms(valve adjustment, fluids changed, spark plugs[4], etc, etc. Called them up yesterday to book appointment, but they are closed Mondays. my bad, I forgot. Left a message and they called back today. Was hoping to get it done within the next two weeks. Nope, they are booking into mid August he says. Told him that was a bit unrealistic and he hummed and hawed and finally got me in on the 20th at 12:30 local time. Didn't think 2 weeks notice was unrealistic, but hey, I guess they're busy.
Need this done as I am heading out on a long run to Ontario for a family get together and that would put me seriously over the 20K mark. Also want them to give the bike a thorough check over before my trip.
Anyone else find dealers booking that far in advance? Pretty sad when you may have to cancel plans cause they are overbooked/understaffed and can't provide service in a timely manner.
I might add that they are about an hour and a half away and the ONLY Triumph dealer in this province(New Brunswick) the next closest one being down in Nova Scotia, about 500 kms away.
Rant off!
ONLY Triumph dealer in this province(
Theres the Rub Mate.......they got you by the short curly's ........ we have one here in Lakleand --one in Orlando---one in Tampa.....St. Pete......(in all I think I count 18-20 just in Florida.....(possibly all dont have service depts) but they are a BIT more accommodating on the scheduling.----- looks like ya needs to move to FLO-ree-DUH --- I mean ---its in the by laws right? after a certain age??? the snow bird thing and all????? Come on down man the waters fine--bring $$$ and whiskey ;)
I suppose they do need to try an get more Triumph dealers established in some of the areas. We only have one in our provence this side as well. I must admit when I did need them to pickup my bike and do work on it they only took a few days from when I called them.
Keys......Would love to live in
but not quite ready for snowbird status yet. Yup you guys have lots more dealers than us.....and 10X the population to support them as well as much longer riding season.
I digress, and must live with the situation.
Not quite wealthy enough to open my own dealer here, but would love to.
Hey all: Triumph dealers are closing due, at least partly, to the demands that the company is making on them to "upgrade" their showrooms and allocate floor space for the bikes. I know that Daytona dropped the line and they also owned Orlando, which as far as I know, is done with them as well. Hopefully, there are some dealers taking on the bikes. My dealer closed last year, refusing to have to take out another loan to do the "upgrades", especially since he hadn't quite paid off the ones from 3 years back. I understand another multi-line dealer in my area was approached by Triumph, but when they told him what he would need to do............he told them what they could do! Looks like they still haven't learned that you can't do business from and empty wagon.............
well here in scotland there are only 3 triumph main dealers the closest is 60 miles away the next is 180 miles and then 280 miles and im in the uk !!!
That means a day off work for a minor service if you own a bike under warranty .
That means a day off work for a minor service if you own a bike under warranty .
That's what I'm looking at. Can't ride the bike there as the engine will be warm and they can't do a valve adjustment on a warm/hot engine. Will borrow a friend's trailer to take it down as I don't like the idea of trying to fit a 850 lb bike in the back of a pick up truck. Long bike, short box= bad combo.:oops:
It's the same here, Chris my mate with the Tiger had to wait well over a week and a half before they could fit him in, they're just booked up solid. Don't know why Triumph are making silly demands on dealers, it seems that they've got short memory's
I agree MOT, what goes up must come down - eventually.
I think (hope) that Triumph has enough smarts to not pull the rug out from under with unwise corporate decisions.
Things are going too well for them, but they can't be complacent.
Far too much at stake.
there does seem to be a bit of ....... were on top now so we can cut back a bit !
The thing is they have a huge advantage over other manufacturers in that they have hind sight !!!!
so dont forget what happened last time !!!!!! :cautious:
I'm one of the lucky ones, sort of. We just had a new dealership open about 6 miles down the road from me. Actually it's 2 dealerships under one roof. Triumph has their own room and Husky has the other room that also has the "parts" (and I use that title loosely) department. I don't know what their service department is like but if it's like the "parts" department then they are in trouble. I think I may have posted this before but they did NOT have any oil filters in stock for any of the triples which all pretty much use the same filter. How in the world do you not have a filter for a triple?

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