I picked up my 23 Scrambler 900 late last summer, I love the bike, but can't take more than half hour or so on that stock seat. I've had several Russell Day Long seats on other bikes, they're 150 miles south of me and do terrific work, my wife loves them. I didn't want that big a seat on this bike, so after lots of research, I decided on a Bill Mayer seat, now Legendary Best Motorcycle seats out of Ventura Ca. Bill retired, one of his long time employees has taken over the company. Adrian is very easy to work with and will talk with you about what you like, want and need in a seat rebuild. It helped they were running a 20 % holiday discount on their seats. I sent him pictures of me on the bike, along with the stock seat. I'm not using the pillion at all on this bike, so it was a single seat build. He turned it around in 2 days, and although we've had cold wet weather since I've had it back, I've been on it enough to know it was money well spent. I've added a 28 L top box and the Triumph Rugged Pannier for storage, that along with a dry bag behind me where the pillion used to be will give me enough storage to take an extended trip on this in summer rather than my other bike set up for touring. Comfort seats are a compromise, looks, size, and comfort. This is smaller than the RDL on my DL1000, but big enough to be "hundreds of miles" comfortable. Just what I was looking for.