Creswell Bomber Memorial

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Dave ; Seems maybe you have old military connections ,so here goes .My 2011 tiger 800 has the union jack on the tank. In May 2011 myself and a dozen or so Brehauts flew to England for the unvailling of a memorial in honor of my uncle ,PO Lowell Brehaut, and his fellow crew mates who lost their lives in WW 2. Needless to say a big event for all the families involved. Just google Creswell Bomber Memorial and you will find many related articles. Jeff LeGault's site should come up first and it's very complete. All the best Brooke
That makes more sense, I'm easily confused you know :confused::confused:.
Brooke, this is only about a 275 mile round trip for me, including a visit to the old BSA factory, which Chris my mate on his Tiger, and I have on our "To do list". I can't promise when, but if we get a good weekend. I'd be more than happy to get a Poppy cross and place it at the memorial for you, and then take some pictures of it and send them to you. ( if you forwarded me some words I could place them by the memorial too ) Just a thought.
Do you know excactly where memorial is, as I've been trying to find on Google maps and am not having much success Is it near the Creswell Crags Museum & Heritage Centre ??
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Thanks Garry : If you go to the far end of the Creswell Craggs Museum parking lot you cannot miss it. There is an opening in the trees there over looking Hennymore farm .The Wellington crashed there ,not far from the house. A section of the stone fence was destroyed and replaced with a wooden gate. Please leave a note " Gerald and Pat ,we will never forget , Brooke " Gerald and Pat visit here on a regular basis and this will be a huge surprise for them . Hope I will be able to repay the favor .This means a lot .Thanks again Brooke
Not a problem Brooke, I spoke to my mate Chris about it, and he's well up for it too. As for repaying a favour, that's not necessary one bit, I'm just happy that I'd be able to repay in some small way what Canada and other Commonwealth countries did for the UK, not just once, but twice in the last century. I'll let you know when we go. I often feel that the Commonwealth countries don't get the recognition that they deserve.
Well just got back from a 306 mile round trip, it's been fantastic weather. Made it to the Canadian memorial. Here are some pictures for you Brooke.
I did the two pictures on the computer and as you can see I added your words, I then did one from me. I couldn't get a Poppy cross, so I hope you don't mind the alternative.


I've always wanted to take pictures of the graves of the fallen for people from other countries, if I had more time and money I'd love to do it full time. Lets face it not everyone can come to Europe from Australia New Zealand Canada and so on.
Garry : Good thing I am typing this because it would be difficult for me to speak it. Heart felt thanks from Canada to you for this beautiful jesture. As you know the week end also marked the a century since the Battle at Vimy Ridge, a nice coincidence. Sounds like you and Chris had a good ride too.If you could send the pix to my e mail that would be great . Thanks to all for your thoughts Brooke
Garry : Good thing I am typing this because it would be difficult for me to speak it. Heart felt thanks from Canada to you for this beautiful jesture. As you know the week end also marked the a century since the Battle at Vimy Ridge, a nice coincidence. Sounds like you and Chris had a good ride too.If you could send the pix to my e mail that would be great . Thanks to all for your thoughts Brooke
Just sent them to you. Again Brooke it was my pleasure to do this. Vimy ridge was covered a bit on the TV.
The ride was indeed a nice one 25 degrees ( I kid you not ) and the countryside was brilliant. As you know the initial ride was to the old Meriden factory and then the old BSA factory, and when I googled where the memorial was, it was on the way home, so it was a no brainier really.