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Having to take medication every 4 hours (A better life through chemistry) I thought it was time for me to get some kind of time piece for my Bonneville (I don’t wear a watch or any other bling).
I didn’t want one that would distract my eyes from the road to much. I need something that I can see when I’m checking my speed. So I did a web search and found . They had the right clock for me.
Decided on the stem nut mount one in black. I placed my order on Sunday afternoon May 19 and received it Thursday morning May 23 (quite fast if you ask me).
This what you get, clock,instructions and hex key.
Clocks4Bikes 1.JPG
This is the bike before I installed the clock.
Clocks4Bikes 2.JPG
This is the bike after.
Clocks4Bikes 3.JPG
The install is a two minute job, but it took me longer because I had to take photos.
Clean look, doesn't distract from the bike, easy to see (or appears to be) and a very usefull farkle serving a specific need. . . :thumbup:
Looks very good. I have one mounted on my brake reservoir on my Bonnie and on the Bonnie I gave to my grandson. I do wear a watch; but it is covered by my jacket when riding.