Canberra And The Family

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Just back from a couple of days in Canberra. Spent the time catching up with my daughter and family. We all went off to the big spring flower festival called "Floriade" and a few other things that our national capital has to offer. Funny over the last 40 years or so I've bee visiting Canberra once every 10 years, since my daughter moved to Canberra we've been 4 time this year. ;)

Millions of very well presented flowers with rides and other attractions for the little ones.


Granddad had some time to bond with the youngest, was nice.


Overlooking Canberra is Black Mountain with the Telecom Tower on top.


Cost $3.00 to go to the top and get some shots overlooking the city, this is centered onto Lake Burley Griffin.


Back down on the lakes edge.


Lots of art in the parks ringing the lake.


It's a great city, if you ever get a chance come on down.

It sure looks stunning especially the one overlooking the city like that. Just one question who was saving the rest of the world while Batman and Superman were looking at the sites :D
It sure looks stunning especially the one overlooking the city like that. Just one question who was saving the rest of the world while Batman and Superman were looking at the sites :D

The good people of Gotham City and Metropplis just had to look after themselves for a couple of days, I'm sick of being on call 365 / 24 / 7 .
Went to Canberra in 1999 really enjoyed it, I thought the War memorial was really nice.

Boy you get around! :) Good for you.

I was last at the War Memorial Jan 2013.
This is the front, not a good shot.


After Rockies thread on the Canadian Lancaster this may interest. G for George survived and flew a huge number of missions, the detail escapes me just now.

2 very nice pictures there, where's the Lancaster kept ?

"G for George" is in one of the aviation halls within the War Memorial, strange you didn't see it. Possibly was out during a refurbishment when you visited.

Another shot.


A couple more examples of war-birds on display, it's a big place.



I like the way things like these are in the grounds around the Memorial.




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That's all I took and as you can see no Lancaster or any other planes. It was October 1999 that I went, so it's possible that the displays were added after then ?

If that's all you took did you go into the memorial?
It was opened in 1941, I first went in the late 50's and G for George was there then along with about 20 other war-birds. Inside it's so large I still get lost, last year I spent a full day inside and saw less than half of whats on offer. They have hundreds of thousands of retrieved items from all conflicts Australia has been involved in starting with the Sudan conflict from 1885 through to todays actions.

Three more, this could fill the internet if I kept going, LOL.


