Buy a bike, get a free gun.

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I'm just shaking my head after reading this story. :y13:

"A MOTORCYCLE shop in Florida is pioneering a unique approach to selling machines during the economic downturn - they are offering a free firearm to customers with every bike purchased.

Pinellas Powersports in South Tampa, Florida offer a gift card to every bike purchaser which can be redeemed at a local gun store in exchange for a hand gun.

Proprieter Ron Pownall claims he was inspired by the recent debate over gun control in the United States - it is clear where he stands on the issue.

He said: 'We like to have the conversation about this because we feel like we're losing our rights, and we want to stick up for that.'

'We’ve received over 100 phone calls this morning from customers wondering about the terms and conditions'.

The new deal certainly appears to be having the desired effect!"
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I have seen other dealerships do this usually car or truck dealers, first I have seen a Bike SHop offer it. But I must say if I where in the market for a new bike, I would certainly be calling them.
I think I should point out here, you get a gift card, not just handed a gun. You have to go to a licensed dealer to redeem and have to pass the back ground check etc. before given the gun.
It doesn't give a $ value for the gun, I bet its a 250.00 credit or some such. Instead of giving you instore credit to buy a helmet or jacket and gloves with the bike, this guy is helping his brother with the gun shop down the road.:y15:
Like Adrian, I have seen auto and truck dealers do this - in fact is was four years ago. Dealers in several Southern and Western states did this. Adrian is correct; if you buy a vehicle, you receive a gift certificate for a local, licensed firearms dealer. This is the first time I have seen a motorcycle dealership make this offer.
Exactly Gromit, I have seen these before and they "stir up" controversial news coverage stories, but I really don't know how many folks actually BUY from the guy just to get the gun.
You can buy a lot of guns for the 9-15,000.00 price of a new bike.
Mostly the guy is gettin TONS of free advertising and marketing off the idea.:y2:
Exactly Keystiger. It's no secret that I'm anti-guns even though I live in Johannesburg :y2: and I've seen some very weird gimmiks designed to do exactly what this guy has done. Stir up controversial converstion, get attention and as you said, loads of free marketing. If ya don't advertise, ya don't sell! This incentive would not make me want to rush off to his shop and buy a bike. But good on him for achieving his goal and here it is, on an international forum getting all kinds of attention.
I was in the area, looking to buy a new bike, he had the bike I wanted, and the price was right. . . SOLD!!!

But as stated above, this is just a way to get folks to know his name. He may actually sell a bike or two because of this promotion but I would be willing to bet there will not be many sales just because of the promotion. Sure anything a dealer can do to sweeten the deal will help influence some buyers that are already in the market. We have a "new" Triumph dealer in the Houston area, the one I stopped at and had my photo taken on the Explorer, that has a little sales gimmick that I've never heard of before. With every bike sold, the buyer gets a free chocolate cake. This location, they have several dealerships in town, has decided to "sweeten" the deal as the general manager told me: "You may not remember your salesman's name but I guarantee you, you will not forget the chocolate cake."
In these economic times, it's the little things that make or break some businesses and the free advertisement from the gun give away or the chocolate cake will get more comments out to the possible buying public.
Lol....I guess that beats the nearest Triumph dealership here....when you go there looking to buy a Triumph, they tell you they're junk and try to talk you into a BMW!

I've even complained to Triumph about them, but never got a reply.

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
More profit margin in the BMW and higher return repair cost income:y15:
Funny I bought my Tiger used from the BMW dealer in Orlando. Got a steal of deal. And when I picked it up it was hidden under a tarp down the hallway by the bathrooms!!!!!:y13:

The Manager was hiding it because it was "detracting potential sales" from the BMW GS. I guess folks saw the Tiger.....did some research and went and bought new Tigers instead of BMW's.
Lol....I guess that beats the nearest Triumph dealership here....when you go there looking to buy a Triumph, they tell you they're junk and try to talk you into a BMW!

I've even complained to Triumph about them, but never got a reply.

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR

And this "new" Triumph dealer is the largest Harley dealer in the area, heck they are the largest powersports dealer in Houston. Granted the Triumph line is not in one of his two area Harley showrooms, the general manager did come from one of the Harley showrooms or so I've been told. From talking to several others, the dealer wants to sell Triumphs and not just be known as a Harley dealer. They have 6 locations around town, 2 Harley shops (where he started) 2 Triumph showrooms, 2 Suzuki, 3 Kawasaki, 4 Victory, 1 Honda, 1 Polaris, 3 Can Am, 2 Sea Doo, 3 Spyder, 1 Vespa, 1 Piaggio, 1 Yamaha and 1 BMW. They are not only competing againts other dealerships but each location competes against each other.

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