Well-Known Member
Brotherhood. Had a fellow Wind Brother who said he was going to have to buy a new Leather Riding Jacket because his old cheapo was falling apart literally at the seams. He came by today to show me his 900cc Vulcan and I saw his riding jacket and thought WTH? So I told my GF to go get my old Wilson Leather Riding Jacket out of the closet I bought while I lived in St George Utah. I told him to try it on. He did so and since he is losing weight it fit him perfectly. I removed my #1 Lapel Pin off the Jacket Collar and patted him on the shoulder and said "Enjoy it". I never seen a happier man to get an old beat up, wore out and needing some serious Mink Oil and Saddle Soap treatment to get it back into prime condition Leather Jacket. That Wind Brother left my house with the biggest smile ever on his face. Feels good knowing that old jacket that no longer fits me will be in the wind once again flying proudly and appreciated. What goes around comes around. MLH&R