Brembo Evasive Warranty

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Well-Known Member
Almost a year ago I purchased a Brembo front brake disc for my Bonneville through Dragomoto on eBay. It was a few months before I could ride the bike (I'm in Canada) and it didn't feel quite right from the start. Dragomoto said that it needed to "bed in" the pads. A new calliper was installed at the same time and all slides and pins were OK. The bike is not ridden hard.
After the all-too-short riding season, I examined the front brake disc and discovered that it had around .030" of run-out.. I contacted Dragomoto as this disc has a two year warranty and explained the situation. They forwarded my concerns to Brembo who replied stating that they wanted photos of the disc. I sent these and after a while Brembo decided that they needed photos showing the warping. I set up a dial gauge and took more photos. A few weeks passed and Brembo then said that was not the correct way to measure run-out (!). Now they wanted photos on a flat surface so I sent photos showing the disc on a surface block with feeler gauges inserted. Then after a while Brembo decided that I had to submit a report from a trained technician (at my expense). I eventually had a tech examine the disc and prepare a report. After another few weeks Brembo have now decided that I have to send the disc back to them in Italy (again at my expense) and then they will decide.
I have advised them that I will not be doing that. When I contacted Brembo directly several times when I first had the issue they just ignored me.
I am not looking for sympathy here, I am just warning people that buying from a "reputable" company like Brembo is no guarantee of good service. Think carefully before buying Brembo and as for me, I have now bought an EBC disc and pads as a replacement.
I will post this on other Triumph forums.