bluddy nora

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hairy old fart
Supporting Member
blimmen heck
was having a wee snooze in me favourite chair and I woke with a feeling summat was coming and next thing we had a 6.5 quake.
coulda sworn a coupla me fish tanks were going over.
Ive never been scared in a quake in me life, but this puppy felt like it was building as it went, and it seemed to go for quite a while.
Now, where did I leave my pants.:y12:

update: news report just came in, it was centered about 70k NW ( 40.00S 173.75E) of me at 250 k deep and registered magnitude 7, and was described as a building roller lasting about 7 seconds.
I'm glad I live on the Gulf Coast with hurricanes and not in earthquake territory.

Glad you were only shook up a bit and not tore up bad. At least I hope you don't have a bunch of damage.

Posting with Tapatalk for iPhone.
No damage yet that I have seen Dave,mind you I havent had a real good look yet.
Will check in the morning when I can see.
Wot expression do ya mean.?
Blimmen and summat are words I don't think I've ever heard before - but I think I get the gist of the meaning.
We have local words and expressions here that often confuse people.
I'm sure most places do.
Some of the lingo from SA that Dave has shown us from time to time is :y13: :y2:
Glad you're OK.
Hope the morning walk around the house is uneventful.

cheers Kev
Just been out to the garage to check on the vehicles and bike
all is good bar a coupla planks I had stacked against the wall fell over and are jammed against the truck.
must remember to drag them out in the morning before I try and back the truck out.
Some of the lingo from SA that Dave has shown us from time to time is :y13: :y2:

I'm frightfully sorry, but I really do not know to what you refer :y15:.

Devo: I hope everything is OK with you and the whole region affected.

A few weeks ago I was chatting with buddies down the pub. The talk was about earthquakes, tsunamis, exploding nuclear power stations, typhoons, flooding etc. After a few pints I concluded that one should really live at altitude on 2 Billion year old rock formations in the middle of a great land mass; i.e. come to Johannesburg :y63:, the safest place on Earth! ROTFL
I forgot to add the "M" to Dave.
It was our leader who showed us some "African" (??) lingo that was really odd.
We have many Acadian French communities here in eastern Canada. Everyone speaks English, but if you listen to the locals talking among themselves it's about 50/50 English and French; a few words of English followed by a few words of French - and vice versa.
Unless you understand the local French dialect there's no point in trying to listen to them.
Sorry for the high jacking :y2:

Posting with Tapatalk for iPhone.
That is one heck of a thing to wake up to!! Harry, I am sure glad you and the Mrs. are OK with no major damage. I am with Tony; I am glad all I have to face is an occasional hurricane or tornado.
. I am with Tony; I am glad all I have to face is an occasional hurricane or tornado.

I'll have it as it is thanks
I have never been scared of earthquakes ( probably because I have never experienced a real biggie ) but real big winds worry the hell out of me.
Its very likely the time factor,more often than not, a quake is over in 5 to 10 seconds and without warning, whereas a big blow can last for hours or days and you know its coming.
I am glad your o.k. Devo. Wow. thats one thing we don't deal with. I mean hurricanes are one thing.....LOTS of warning and DAYS of news crews saying RUN!!!! ITs going to kill you all!!!!!

But earthquakes are just WHAM!! No warning. SAD

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