I watched a programme recently on Bi-Polar Disorder. I'm familiar with the disorder but always saw it as being diagnosed in older/adult people. This programme focused on new research being done in the US regarding diagnosing the disorder in very young children - kids around 5 or 6 years old. Some of the children in the documentary had been on really strong medication for 5 years already. I don't know about anyone else here but I'm hearing of more and more friends, their family, acquaintances being diagnosed as Bi-Polar. Please, I'm not minimising the debilitating effects of this disorder, but just as 'Yuppy Flu' was the big buzz disorder some years ago, could the same be happening with Bi-Polar - it's a new 'buzz' disorder?? The only reason why I'm asking this is because it seems that 'suddenly' more and more teenagers, young adults who are struggling to fit into the work place after finishing school are being diagnosed as bi-polar - in the last 2 weeks, 5 of my friends have told me that their young adult children have been diagnosed with bpd whereas in the past, one rarely heard of this. Or could it be that the disorder is just better understood now and easier to diagnose and that the stigma surrounding severe depression is no longer prevalent?