Best way to turn off your bike

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So who's the authority on this? The MSF classes all teach to use the kill switch, but obviously Triumph has a different viewpoint.

My guess is this will never be resolved and purely user-choice based on longevity vs. safety.

The bike manufacturer is the final authority on what is good and not good for a particular bike.

MSF teaches the kill switch usage because new riders, for the most part, are coming from autos that don't have kill switches. For safety purposes, MSF want students to know where the kill switch is and how to use it. They do that through mandatory, repetitive use.
LOL You will get used to it. I had trouble finding neutral when I first got my T100. Now I find it without thinking about it. I will say neutral is easier to hit on the XC than the T!)).
I do any of the above depending on where I am parking. The ignition switch is always turned off eventually.

I have a very difficult time locating neutral. Attempts to "hit" neutral generally end up passing through and into the next gear. Always takes me two or three attempts. For that reason, the side-stand or Kill switch is often the easier approach.
This thread makes me think about the Top Gear episode where they guys went to Vietnam and had to ride 1000 miles on cheap bikes. Jeremy Clarkson gets a scooter which he hates and every time he stops, he just gets off it and drops it on the ground.
Top Gear is always hilarious!

Just for the record. It wasn't just that scooter that Jeremy hated. He hates All motorbikes equally. ROTFL

Sent from my BlackBerry 9930 using Tapatalk and some serious hunting and pecking.
On my previous bike, a 2005 Yamaha FZ6, I used the kill switch first and then turned off the key practically every time I turned off the bike--twice a day--for years and never had a problem. Then I bought my 2013 Triumph and have been doing the same thing for about month now with no adverse affects. I actually get into neutral, flip the switch, and then coast into my parking space at work. Then I turn off the key. No problems here.

Well okay, there is one thing that is odd and shutting down this way might be causing it now that people are mentioning that the manual suggests using the key: Sometimes my alarm light will come on when I turn the key to start the bike and it won't start. I can't remember if I flipped the kill switch back on before I turn the key or vice-versa when it does this. I have to turn everything off and on and it usually is fine for the second try. I'll have to try some scenarios and determine what makes it happen. Otherwise, the bike runs fine.

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