Many of y'all have heard me whining about not having saddlebags/panniers on my 2017 Street Twin. After listening to all the glowing reviews from our Canadian members, I opted for some Ventura bags. I liked them enough that I finally sprang for the Ventura Bonneville panniers.
My questions concern the proper order of using a bolt/washer/nut.
Here's the link for the pannier installation . Select the Bile-Pack Pannier Kit picture. (I can't get it to load the pdf by itself, so sorry for the need to download and read it.) My issue is step/diagram #2.
The instructions say to insert the M6x35 bolt, M6 washers, and the nyloc nut in location 1:
Don't laugh, but is the correct order like this:
I believe there should be a washer on both ends of the bolt? (The panniers were shipped with 4 of these washers, and they don't go on any other place.)
And the nyloc nut threads onto the bolt with the nylon squishy part on the bolt itself, to form its own threads? I don't think it fits the other way, and it doesn't seem logical that way anyway.
Oh, and would y'all recommend a dab of blue Loc-Tite on all these bolts?
I guess these are very basic maintenance/mechanical questions because Ventura thought it fine to have this entire step obscured. LOL
You have to teach to the lowest level, Ventura! That would be me!!!
Many of y'all have heard me whining about not having saddlebags/panniers on my 2017 Street Twin. After listening to all the glowing reviews from our Canadian members, I opted for some Ventura bags. I liked them enough that I finally sprang for the Ventura Bonneville panniers.
My questions concern the proper order of using a bolt/washer/nut.
Here's the link for the pannier installation . Select the Bile-Pack Pannier Kit picture. (I can't get it to load the pdf by itself, so sorry for the need to download and read it.) My issue is step/diagram #2.
The instructions say to insert the M6x35 bolt, M6 washers, and the nyloc nut in location 1:
Don't laugh, but is the correct order like this:
I believe there should be a washer on both ends of the bolt? (The panniers were shipped with 4 of these washers, and they don't go on any other place.)
And the nyloc nut threads onto the bolt with the nylon squishy part on the bolt itself, to form its own threads? I don't think it fits the other way, and it doesn't seem logical that way anyway.
Oh, and would y'all recommend a dab of blue Loc-Tite on all these bolts?
I guess these are very basic maintenance/mechanical questions because Ventura thought it fine to have this entire step obscured. LOL
You have to teach to the lowest level, Ventura! That would be me!!!