Back Again (temporarily?)

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I have been out a loooong time as the site would not recognize my password and would not let me reset it. Were you guys trying to tell me something? Well DaveM sent me an email and today the reset worked (I hope). If you don't hear from me again soon, the site has me blocked out again.

Anyway here's an update. I turn 66 this month and the USA tells me they will pay me $2,553 a month because I've paid them bazillions since 1964 (actually, I paid in the maximum every year). I am formally retiring from work on December 31, 2014.

I have purchased a home on Crown lake in North Central Arkansas (in the Ozark Mountains) and have my house in Newport, Arkansas for sale. It was always my dream to be able to walk out my back door and fish right off my own dock; that dream is about to come true.

Somehow I have now accumulated 4 bikes - the 2003 T100 Bonneville (still running strong and loving the mountain roads), a 2005 Harley Davidson FXDCI (which I dearly love), a 2005 DR200 Suzuki (a fun bike for guests) and a 1997 DR350 I have restored. There are lots of roads within a half hour's ride that have signs like "Caution - Very Crooked and Steep next 37 miles".

I want to sell the DR350 (OEM parts were not available, but full race items were and frankly now the formerly sedate dual sport is a fire breathing monster - it really woke up with a race carb and pipes) and buy a large sport bike - maybe one of the new BMWs. However, I have to find more room for toys first - I think I need to add a detached garage.

I'm still selling guitars; mostly on ebay now. But ebay may be a problem soon for me as smart cell phones and internet connections are very poor in these sparsely populated mountains, and there is no cable TV.

Again, If you don't see me posting, its because I'm having password problems.
Nice to see you back with us Gary as we have missed seeing you. If you ever have an issue with passwords just use the contact us at the bottom right of the forum and we will sort it out ASAP for you BBEER