Avgas vs 10%ethanol gas mix

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The guestion I have for any one that knows is. Would Avgas be safer to run than E10gasoline in stock motors of these bikes or do both have there own issues with the motors of these classic bikes? I know that ethanol is hard on rubber, and where carb rubber for the early 80s bike with Bing carbs is very hard to come by I was thinking of using Avgas instead since I can't buy normal 91octane gas with out ethanol where I live unless I go Avgas . That is 100octane. Any suggestions.
Thanks Dave for the link. To that thread I think there has to be more than my self who had wondered how bad it could be but my only options where I live is ethanol gas mix or Avgas. With the modern bikes is the ethanal with enzyme additive to stabilize the fuel ok or still hard on them and the carbs?
Cool that was kind of my thought as well Carl S. Any reason the race gas over Avgas? Is it better for the motor?

I don't really know the answer to that. There is a station not too far from me that sells racing gasoline; so it is easier to get with less hassle.

Thanks Dave for the link. To that thread I think there has to be more than my self who had wondered how bad it could be but my only options where I live is ethanol gas mix or Avgas. With the modern bikes is the ethanol with enzyme additive to stabilize the fuel ok or still hard on them and the carbs?

In reading comments and opinions by serious collectors, the jury is still out on your question. I surmise that using the additive is far better than not using it; but using ethanol free gas is the best.