Arai RX7 GP

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Android Guru
I purchased the helmet this weekend and tried it out on The freezing breakfast run Sunday morning.

My previous and best helmet to date before this was the Shoei X Spirit.

Okay, the Arai is a very good helmet, keep in mind that it is a race level helmet so venting and safety are top level.

My experience :

Comfort is quite good, fit is snug.
Very light helmet.
No buffeting whatsoever.
Viewing area is HUGE!

Little fiddly to fasten, the D-rings seem to be too far left.
Air vents are difficult to click with gloves on.
The amount of air flow through the vents isn't enough.
Visor changing is a horrible effort.

All in all a decent helmet, but given the choice would take the Shoei over this one.

Will post video as soon as it uploads. 3rd time lucky?


from Tapatalk 4.0b
Hi G.

I've had a number of different Arais over the years. Observations-

  • Extremely snug.
  • Wind noise is high- all to do with the visor pivot arrangement which is the main source of the noise. You wear earplugs so it shouldn't be an issue. I don't wear them and I've just got used to it.
  • The quality of the plastic additions (airvents, mechanisms & scoops) is terrible. Don't be surprised if they break and crack. The replacements are pricey.
  • The retractable chin spoiler is likely to pull straight out- be careful with it.
  • Search youtube for a video showing how to remove and refit the visor. You cannot possibly believe how easy it is once you've seen the correct way to do it! Don't just keep trying to do it yourself- check out a video!
  • The aerodynamics are absolutely superb. My helmets sit still on my head and I can turn my head from side to side with very little effort at high speed.
  • The ventilation is inadequate once the hot weather arrives.

Your design is called the 'Doohan TT'. I assume this is because Mick Doohan was the top VIP guest at this year's TT races. I like the design a lot!
Thanks for the report G. I have to agree with you on most of your observations. They are good helmets but do have a few issues I would like to change.

My current helmet and the one it replaced is an Arai. I wish I could locate another helmet that fit me so I would have a choice as to the helmet I use.

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I am on my 2nd Arai, and fully agree - the visor removal / refitting is a bit fiddly, but I watched an expert do it a few weeks ago and he made look like plain sailing.

Guess it takes practice. :y4: