Took Ann-margret, 2008 Bonneville T100, out for an unintentionally short ride yesterday. I passed my Motorcycle Training Class last week on a provided Yamaha 200cc dual-sport, and I wanted to get out on Ann-margret to review some things. Especially since Ann weighs almost double what the Yamaha weighed, even though Ann-margret is quite svelte. I must say the T100 is a MUCH NICER ride than the Yamaha. Things were going along very smoooooothly and I was having a great time, until I stopped to make sure the tire pressures were good. I have not had the bike on a battery tender since I bought her, so it really was not a surprise when I couldn't restart Ann after checking and filling the tires. AND, I found out quickly why people put 90-degree valve stems on spoked wheels! So, Ann-margret got a tow home. I will take care of my issues, and be back out riding very soon.