This is how it works and thanks @George S. for the suggestion.
First post is "a" so someone posts a photo of their bike at a town or city "a" such as Abilene TX.
Bike must be shown at a location that shows where it is, such as municipal complex, post office, statue in town center, historical point, etc.
Someone else must next post a photo of their bike at a town "b".
No back to back posts. You post one, you must wait for someone else to make a post before you can post again.
Continues to "z" then starts over again at "a".
First post is "a" so someone posts a photo of their bike at a town or city "a" such as Abilene TX.
Bike must be shown at a location that shows where it is, such as municipal complex, post office, statue in town center, historical point, etc.
Someone else must next post a photo of their bike at a town "b".
No back to back posts. You post one, you must wait for someone else to make a post before you can post again.
Continues to "z" then starts over again at "a".