Amal Carbs: To Sleeve or Not to Sleeve? That is the Question

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My 1976 T-140 carb slides are worn and maybe the bores on the Amal 930's. Lund Machine does a re-sleeving process for what seems a reasonable price. I ordered new slides from MAP but if the bores are too worn I may have the carbs re-sleeved. In researching this process there is a camp that says re-sleeving makes the carb body wall too thin and it will warp when the mounting bolts are tightened.

Has anyone had there carbs re-sleeved and what were the results?


I can't help much on this one as I've never been in that position and I have Mikuni carbs on my'78.

I have heard that said before too.

GP or someone with personal knowledge will be along though to help I'm sure.

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I've had mine done and it's a success.
The down side is you can't easily change slides as they are matched to the oversize carb body and yes they do warp if you tighten firmly. I nip mine up to it starts to grab the slide then take the nuts back half a turn.
Just finished installing new slides, stay-up floats, new jet needles, pilot jets last night. Fired her up and all the richness smell is gone after fine turning the mixture. The needles are set to the middle groove. The bike is idling stronger and smoother. I made sure both slides start up at the same time and open fully at full throttle. The new slides took up a lot of radial play in the slide bore. There is still a little play in the almost closed position. I am going to try some runs tonight weather permitting. I think it will run strong and be close to running the right mixture at cruise. I think the left pilot jet and needle were worn and causing the richness on that side.

I looked at the bore material thickness and slide thickness. I forgot how thin they were. I can see why there could be a warping issue if over tightened after the re-leeve mod. I am going for the mod later in the off season and if I can get these carbs set up correctly with no issues. Lund installs the sleeves with an interference fit and adds loctite. If I didn't have the sleeves installed the next thing would be replacing the carbs. I plan on riding the bike a lot and want it to be very reliable.

Thanks for your input folks.
Put in new slides, needle jets , needles and stay up floats. I thought I had set up floats right but after a few trys of settting the mixture the bike was sputtering and hard to start. So I got a brake master cylinder plastic bleed fitting out of the tool box and clear tube. It just fit in the bowl drain plug hole. After opening the petcock the fuel level in the tube compared to the float bowl confirmed the fuel levels were out of spec. I got a buisiness card then using calipers from the edge of the card made a horizantal range mark of .211" +- .040". Verified I had not gotten the fuel level correct by played with the stay up float tangs until it was right in the middle of the range with bike level. Started from zero by presetting the mixture screws to 1 1/2 turns. The ticklers both worked in just a couple seconds and the bike fired right up. After setting the mixture and idles which actually sound like they were now making a difference, I went for a test ride. Wow the difference was amazing. No lags, coughs misses, and the cylinders were singing the same tune. I love a good running machine. At one point I took off with some pretty good throttle input and the rear tire broke loose ; ). I ran out of daylight so I will check the mid range throttle and open throttle mixtures the next time. I even tried to bog it down in top gear at a lower speed and she didn't miss a beat. Very pleased with the results.
My '36 Tiger 80 was equipped with an Amal 276 Pre-Monobloc, which over the years had become quite worn to the point where the bike refused to start. Rather than try to have it rebuilt/resleeved, I ordered a new one from Amal. Because it was a 'special order' it took somewhat longer than normal to arrive, but the bike started second kick ... what a difference and well worth the wait to hear her running so sweetly!

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