A couple of years ago when I found "TT" I had just purchased a Street Triple (black), this complemented a few older British bikes in my garage. About 15 mths ago I sold the Street Triple for a new EFI T100, primarily to carry my wife in comfort. The update is she only did short coffee rides with me and I was missing the sporty little bike, I also had too much stuff just sitting as garage art ...so ... over the last few weeks I have sold my 1974 Trident, my 1963 Norton Atlas, my 1970 BSA Lightning and traded my 2009 T100 in on a new 2010 Street Triple R (black). I've kept my 1969 TR6R and intend taking it off club rego and putting it onto full street reg and using it to take my wife on short coffee runs. Life is a little simpler, my wallet is a little fatter and at 60 years of age am back racing the kids. :wink: