a few pics of my new motor !

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Tigers rule the wild !
Staff member
Supporting Member
i bought this very cheap with suspected blowen head gasket ! its the 2.5 v6 190bhp mg zt+ model .
any way after a week of nights in the shed after work , a lot of swearing & curseing ive got it sorted and it runs sweet !
the only thing left to do is a weak rear engine mount and she's mint !





  • 002.jpg
    101.5 KB · Views: 26
Nice find TUP
I didn't recognize the car as I don't think we have them over here.
It wasn't until I saw the steering wheel that I understood what it is.
Oh.....BTW.....the steering wheel.....it's on the wrong side.
Better attend to that too :y2:
Nice one shane
RWD I presume.?
Isnt it funny how a word has different meanings according to where you are in the world.
In England a motor is a car
in Holland, a motor is a motorbike
in NZ and Australia, a motor is under the bonnet,or in your bike.
Same here Devo. I thought from the heading he bought a new motor for his Tiger or something.....not a car....but was certainly pleasantly surprised :y2:

Same thoughts here. :y2: I was wondering what had happened to his Tiger.

Like Rocky said, someone stuck the steering wheel on the wrong side. Better check to see if they hooked it up correctly.
Congrats Shane.
Whenever I see one of those newer generation MG's I think that I'd like one but so few on our roads and most say they fail to proceed too often. Sharron's English cousin had one and also did a head gasket, possible problem area for them?
thanks everyone im realy pleased with it , im a bit old fashioned when it comes to my cars i like a bit of old school look .
the mg zt is along the lines of he old jags and rovers but with a modern twist !
it allso turned out to be some poor mainenance and not the head gasket that was wrong , it was a cracked thermostat housing and a badly fitted gasket on one of the inlet manifolds .
it was spewing water into the v in the block and running down the front of the engine, when bmw bought rover they got MG as well and in there infinait wisdom decided to change from the rover alloy thermostat housing and alloy inlet manifolds to plastic one's :y13: german engineering !!!!! german cheapskates i say .
but alls well now and she's running sweet ! BGRIN
Wow, i had no idea they made MG's in fairly recent times ! Used to love those little ones we had over here in the 70's.

if my memory serves me i think the last brittish made MG rolled of the line in 2005 , its now owned by a chinees company and looks the same but poorly made ! SAD
the brit one like mine has jag quality all over it :y15:

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