35 Years

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Hard to believe it, but in 60 days I will be celebrating my 35th employment anniversary. The company sure took a big chance hiring a 4 year old. :baby::y2: Who would have thought that I would have ever been here for 35 years? I know I didn’t. Back on April 1, 2013 I became retirement eligible from the original company that hired me and then on April 1, 2014 I became retirement eligible from the new company. Too bad I can’t take retirement from both of them; I might be able to afford to retire if that was possible.

Now for the reason I’m posting this info. Last night when I got home, there was an envelope waiting for me that came in the day’s mail. I now have to select an anniversary gift. With the original company this only happened every 10 years but with the company we became, it is now every 5 years we get to select an anniversary gift.

Herein lays the problem. . . “What do I select?”

I can select any gift from each of the previous levels: 5 year, 10 year, 15 year and up to the 35 year level. I’ve almost always had to select from previous years to get something I would like. At 30 years I selected from the 25 year gifts, a telescope that could see a gnats butt on the moon. At 25 it was a chess set from the 15 year selection. For my 15 and 20 year selections I selected some really nice knives that my sons now have but due to the “safety” culture of the company, knives are not PC any more. The gifts are really starting to suck for selection.

The 35 year gifts are such as a men’s dinner ring with a diamond and the company logo. Really? A men’s dinner ring? Don’t they know about my Housekeeping Harem? Or I could select a men’s casual ring with a small diamond and company logo. A casual ring? Who in the world comes up with this crap? Or I could go with a class ring, also with a small diamond and company logo. They are offering this to a man that doesn’t even wear a wedding band? Not to mention, rings are a big safety issue in the plant which is why I don’t wear my wedding band.

Other gifts available are watches, espresso machines, blenders, coffee pots, a Weber electric grill, the chess set and telescope I already have, a selection of different polo shirts (with company logo), an ice chest, a set of pots and pans, a mantel clock (with company logo), a grandfather clock (with company logo), 12 volt air compressor, golf club set with bag (with company logo), binoculars, a leather gun case, a rifle scope, a gun cabinet (Hey NSA, I don’t have any guns but if I did I would keep them in a glass front gun cabinet so everyone could see them), waffle iron, toaster, toaster oven, men’s bracelet, women’s bracelet, assortment of women’s rings, men’s necklace, women’s necklace, a portable DVD player (why not a Blue Ray player?), a BlueTooth key board, hands free phone kit, a Garmin GPS, Garmin Fish Finder, a rod & reel, inflatable kayak, volleyball & badminton set, and a host of other crap.

So what do I order? FACE

After wading thru 7 pages of crap I notice that now for the 25th anniversary they offer something decent so I’m going to step back once again and settle on a new GoPro.


I've been wanting to get a second GoPro for an additional view of my rides but couldn't see spending the money when there are other things I need/want for the bike. Now I just have to wait until it arrives in 60 days.
Well you guys sure have some neat gifts we don't get things like that a nice certificate and a few bucks for 36 years service.

Good on them for stopping knives as gifts far to messy, so I see they went with the cleaner kill like a scope for your sniper rifle BGRIN
Oh I didn't see that ! Well in that case gopro or rifle scope will do me , I think a nice hog roast and a film on the gopro how it was shot with your scope for the rest of the office :y2:
Hemibee ! 35 years of service to a Company deserves an honorary gold medal.
Only dedication, loyalty and a passion for your work will get you through 35 years with the same Company

@DaveM could you pop a Gold Medal into his profile he deserves one ;)
I was 36 years with the same employer too when I retired in 1992.
I'm now retired 22 1/2 years and the time has flown by so quickly.
I bought my first motorcycle in 34 years the summer of the year I retired and it's been a wonderful ride ever since.
Well..................................except for the winter GLOOM
Oh yes we cannot talk about winter, did you know it gets very cold our side it can drop down to a freezing 8c at night and then only get up to around 13c during the day :p

I just don't know how I mange to get through the 3 weeks of it ROTFL

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