2013 Christmas party

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Still Rocking
Supporting Member
Our vintage bike club held their annual Christmas party last Saturday night at the home of one of our members. About 50 people showed up and it was a great time.
As secretary/treasurer I'm responsible for doing the shopping for the door prize table and this is what it looked like this year.
The trophies shown in one picture are annual awards given to deserving members for their contributions to the smooth running of the club.
With some modesty, I was again voted "Most Valuable Member" SHY



The host has a lovely collection of bikes and this 600cc AJS twin is the latest restoration he has done. It was the first time I saw it.


These are some of his other bikes.




Thanks guys.
We love going to his house for the party. He has hosted the Christmas party for 8-9 years.
This fellow also collects guitars and has several racing cars. He also is involved in radio controlled planes and boats.
What else would a guy like that have as a star on his Christmas tree but a helmet :y2:


Oops, I don't know why it's sideways and I don't know how to right it!


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Lots of lovely Goodies in the pictures. Maybe your club could organize one of them gorgeous bikes for you as a thank you for the obvious hard work and time that you put into your club. Well you can but dream can't you :y2:
As for the skid lid on the tree that's a great idea, don't somehow think that Pat will agree with me CRY
Lots of lovely Goodies in the pictures. Maybe your club could organize one of them gorgeous bikes for you as a thank you for the obvious hard work and time that you put into your club. Well you can but dream can't you :y2:
As for the skid lid on the tree that's a great idea, don't somehow think that Pat will agree with me CRY
The fellow obviously has a very understanding wife.
I'll bet the helmet comes down after the party is over :y2: