When trying to start my bike it would kick back like a mule. I checked the timing at the proper rpm range with a timing light and the pointer was pointing at the TDC mark for #1 cyclinder. That is one of the two marks 180 degree apart in a trappazoid raised area on the alternator rotor correct? When timing the engine and identifying where 38 degrees BTDC you use the 38 degree plung tool to mark the alternator rotor correct? I did that and there was a previous mark at 38 degree BTDC on the compression stoke. I adjusted the timing by loosening the two screws and rotating the Boyer timing plate while running the engine at the proper rpm using a strobe light. However there was not enough slot in the ignition timing plate to get the pointer to point at the 38 degree mark. it was halway between TDC and 38 degrees. The engine was running great and when starting there was no kick back and it started then on the first or second kick when cold. It is almost like something is off a tooth. Should I check all the timing marks on the cam gearing or elongate the slots on the boyer timing plate?