I have a 1972 T100R, JG 32552 (August 1971-July 1972 is what I found in one record). I am trying to find out some history on this bike, if possible. The bike has no directional signals and does not look like it was ever wired for them. The left handlebar control is a horn and the high-beam/low beam combination switch with the horn. There are no right side controls except for the throttle and Air Control Lever. The triple-trees are chrome along with the headlight ears and front-end sliders, it does have gaiters. The bike also has a steering damper. To the best of my knowledge these parts look all original. The chrome is pitted in some locations and is tarnished in other locations. However, searching on T100R images and also in the Haynes Manual I cannot find one of similar design features. I am starting to think someone just chromed the frontend many years back. Does anyone have any insight if Triumph manufactured any chrome frontends such as the one described? I would like to do the rebuild as close as possible to original. Thanks for helping, David