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That was the temperature in downtown L.A. today, the hottest day ever recorded in so cal ! And i rode to work. Let me tell you, that was a whole new riding experience i'd rather not repeat, EVER ! :oh: I hit a few pockets of heat that were so amazingly hot that i felt areas on my arms that honestly felt like a match head was being held against my skin for a split second. I actually had a few moments where it got a bit scary. To give you an idea how hot 113 is in my area, the hottest i ever see it get in downtown is usually 100. And whatever the temp is there, anywhere else in the are is always hotter. The valleys are usually 8-10 degrees hotter. Yet today those areas for the first time i have seen in my entire life living here were all lower than downtown. I thought i would never see that. Even the mojave desert wasn't as hot. Bizarre !
Yeah 113 degree Fahrenheit = 45 degree Celsius is a tad hot we have those during summer at times. Still beats the cold as far as I am concerned :y61: I remember when I was a child where we lived the roads would melt it was so hot but then in winter it would snow :silent:
Wow :y26: I can't even begin to imagine that kind of heat!
It did get up to 31C (88F) with high humidity for a couple of weeks in August. It was the warmest summer on record.
It was 15C (59F) here yesterday and about average for this time of year. I usually wind up riding by the end of October unless we get a rush of warm southern air.
It did get up to 31C (88F) with high humidity for a couple of weeks in August

thats what kills me is the humidity. I'd rather be in 100+ dry heat than 80's and humid. It's going to be around 102 today, so 10-11 degrees cooler, but it's also going to start getting more and more humid over the next few days. We're looking at high 80's and so humid they're predicting possible showers. To me thats weather from hell itself, so i'm fearing the latter part of the week even more than that 113 yesterday.

This morning i rode to work at 6:30 AM and i think it was about 80.
I completely agree with the draining effects of humidity. We don't get all that much up here and since I live on the Atlantic coast we usually have cool ocean breezes. But those couple of humid weeks back in August were a killer. I didn't even bother to go for a ride.
At least when it gets cold you can put clothes on, but once you're stripped to your underwear to try and stay cool there's nothing left but total nudity - for all the good that does :ya2:
Dale, we rarely hit 100 here and about 105 is the top. However, we do have the humidity. I am used to it so I don't really notice it. I can take the upper 90's and lower 100's if I am riding in the country. I can't deal with it in urban riding.

113 is HOT period. I've spen't a few Days/ nights in Arizona/Texas when the temp was 110 - 114 with no huminity. It was HOT. I feel your pain.
Rocky, Carl and I live in the same area I can only dream of days with temps that low ( High for you)...... :ya2:
I even had my Sister in law complain about the heat. Since they have A/C in the house it was not too bad. Commute in an A/C car to an A/C office then back to the A/C house. Oddly enough when I visited them in Hollister a few times when they lived there. Again a house with central air, but she never used the damned thing and I roasted.

That reminds me.... time to shut down my Swamp Cooler.
I grew up in Florida in the late 40's and 50's. AC was unheard of except in four stores downtown Orlando. Even the hospitals were not air conditioned. Now I don't think I can live without it! My parents finally air conditioned their house in the mid 60's - after I was long gone. Dad did so only because the city had come to the country and he could no longer keep the windows open when no one was home. :ya2:

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