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  1. onlyoneman

    MotoZ Tires + Tubeless Conversion

    Hello all, I'm new to the forum and new (about 1 year in) to the incredible world of motorcycling and Triumph Bonneville. I've done a number of mods to my bike in the year I've owned her taking my 2018 T120 Black in more of a scrambler-ized style direction. One of the bigger updates yet to...
  2. 9C0C07D8-B182-4256-8FCA-222F645EF2AC.jpeg


    Recommissioned after ten years under a cover, owned for 50 years.
  3. OldSchoolGuy

    Used 2018 T120 or 2014 Honda CB1100 Deluxe?

    Help! New to biking. I am a 62-year-old going through a midlife crisis. Got my license last fall, and just took the intermediate MSF course. Test drove a Bonneville T100 this past weekend and liked it. Actually, I rented it through twistedroad.com for an entire day and put about 130 miles on...
  4. D

    Checking idle of 2016 T120

    Hi! This is my first post on the forum, hello everybody! I just got a new (to me) 2016 T120 Black w/ the gunmetal gas tank! Bike is awesome!!! Just wanted to check on a few things, as I am very particular about my cars/bikes. The bike appears to have a slightly rough idle, and maybe...
  5. Brhino


    Hello, I am Triumph owner and fan of the motorcycles past and present. We have four Triumph motorcycles in our family. 2014 Daytona, 2017 Trophy SE, 1970 Bonneville T120R, and last but not least a 1976 Bonneville T140V. We are in the process of restoring both the 1970 and 1976 motorcycles and...
  6. Rony T

    Can the stitchers of the side panels on my T120 be removed?

    A question. Can the stitchers of the side panels on my T120 be removed with a hairdryer?
  7. PhantomII

    2016 T-120's And Street Twins Chains Are Too Long

    So after the debacle with my drive chain adjuster being maxed out and Triumph finally agreeing to look at I took a look at all of the 2016 models of T-120's and Street Twins on my dealer floor, and every single one of them the chain adjuster was maxed out so I suggest if you own one you take a...
  8. S

    New T120 Surging

    Picked up a new T120. Run great till I took it in for the 500 mile checkup. The bike now surges. Real pain in lower gears. Going around corners in 1st or 2nd gear the bike bucks. Could dump the bike if gravel or wet. Can not hold a steady speed without surging. Took it back to dealer and they...
  9. B

    Looking To Lower My T120

    I'm looking to lower my 2016 T120. Anyone have any suggestions on brands or lengths of replacement rear shocks?