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  1. DaveM

    2010 Triumph Rocket III Roadster Vs. 2010 Star VMax

    Holy of moleys, the miracle isn’t that the VMax is still around, but that Yamaha wants to sell you one for $1501 less than in 2010 – a deflationary $17,999. The Triumph Rocket III of yore could’ve been yours for just $13,999. The reinvented 2020 Rocket 3 has much more kept up with inflation, but...
  2. DaveM

    2017 Grand National Roadster Show Report

    As the event’s name implies, this show, first launched in 1949, focuses on four-wheeled vehicles albeit not all technically qualifying as “roadsters” which back in the day meant an open two-seater minus doors and even windshields. Tracing the nomenclature further, “roadster” initially was the...