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  1. DaveM

    Virus hits DGR fundraising

    The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride was this year forced to go solo and virtual by the coronavirus pandemic, resulting in a major reduction on funds raised for the official charity partner, the Movember Foundation. Instead of riders hitting the roads together, they were asked to socially distance...
  2. DaveM

    Why Buy a Motorcycle? This Site Will Let You Rent Any Motorcycle You Want

    You know what they say: If it flies, floats, or fluctuates, you’re better off renting. Is that true of motorcycles too? Not long ago motorcycles needed lots of love and personal attention just to keep running, in the same way a toddler or puppy needed constant guidance and assistance with...
  3. DaveM

    Win one of four Triumphs in solo DGR

    Even though the pandemic has forced the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride to go solo this year, Triumph Motorcycle is back on board as the major sponsor. DGR operations manager Ramsey Sayed says the event will still go ahead on 27 September 2020 around the globe, but as a “ride solo, together”...
  4. DaveM

    Pros and Cons Of Buying an Adventure Motorcycle

    The world of motorcycles has a bike for every personality and taste. For example, if you have an affinity for cafe racers, you can choose a Thruxton or an RNineT Racer. If you are a fan of cruisers, you can choose a Harley Fatbob or something on the same lines. And if you are a rider who loves...
  5. DaveM

    MSF (Motorcycle Safety Foundation) Offers Free Digital Learning Content

    The Motorcycle Safety Foundation is calling on riders everywhere to keep learning and stay safe with the help of online information, most of it available for free. “The MSF has a wide variety of digital content that can help motorcyclists while many training sites and RiderCoaches are...
  6. DaveM

    How to avoid hitting other riders

    Two recent crashes involving riders running into each other have prompted us to investigate multi-motorcycle accidents and provide tips on how to avoid them. In one recent accident, two riders and a pillion were injured when two motorcycles collided head-on (pictured above) and in the other...
  7. DaveM

    SES rescue rider who plunged off cliff

    A Harley-Davidson rider is lucky to be alive after being rescued by the SES following a 20m plunge off a cliff in the Victorian Alps near Bright on Saturday (7 March 2020). Myrtleford Police Sgt Paul Evans says the rider failed to take a tight 45-degree corner near the summit of Happy Valley...
  8. DaveM

    Desperate plea to find missing rider

    The family of missing rider Siemon Mulder (right in photo) has made a desperate plea to South East Queensland riders to spend this weekend searching for him. Colin Francis, whose son is set to marry Siemon’s daughter on August 31, says they are hoping SEQ riders can help “bring Siemon home”...
  9. DaveM

    Which motorcycles attract the most waves?

    Over the years I have ridden a huge variety of motorbikes and have noticed that when I’m riding some models I get a lot of appreciative waves while others attract none. So which bikes attract the most appreciation form the public and other riders and motorcycle camaraderie and which ones make...
  10. DaveM

    Take the online motorcycle safety quiz

    A new motorcycle “Always On” safety campaign featuring an online 10-question quiz and video has just been launched by VicRoads but has already attracted some criticism. Click here to take the test and tell us how you went! Quiz quizzed Most motorcycle representatives we spoke to are pleased...
  11. DaveM

    Do you suffer from seller’s regret?

    You may have heard of buyer’s regret, but there is also seller’s regret and many riders suffer from this more than buyer’s regret. If you don’t think riders could ever have buyer’s remorse, read this. Seller’s regret Riders can also experience seller’s regret. Now, we’re not talking about...
  12. DaveM

    Which motorcycles have the most comfortable ride?

    A combination of stiffly sprung modern motorcycles and old war wounds have many mature-aged riders searching for motorcycles with the most comfortable ride. I’ve ridden a lot of different bikes over the years and what stands out is how soft old bikes were and how stiff modern bikes are. This...