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  1. A

    Sparks When Flashers On

    Hi everyone! I’ve had electrical issues with my 1978 T140V, and it’s come down to this: I get sparks from my coils/plugs when the flashers are on and the electric usage is high. For instance: if I light up everything, I give a kick, I get normal sparks, and then I sometimes start to get sparks...
  2. C

    All Indicators On Top Of Tank Are Off On My Triumph 2006 America

    I am sure there is a better place to post this question but since I moved my triumph and I had the gas tank off and reassembled everything the bike works great except all the lights on the top of the tank (even the neutral light) are off . I must have missed a harness putting everything back...
  3. I

    Looking For Some Insight! Electrical Issue

    Well I've had my '04 Bonnie for about a month now and have been removing years of grime & dirt, cleaning, polishing, new brake pads, oil / filter change, air filter, resolved a few vacuum leaks, new spark plugs, and now the bike is running great except....... it will not start with the starter...