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  • Hi everyone, just joined having been doing some research on the TSS bonny and finding your forum, I bought a TSS a from a guy who'd had it from new and had stopped using it years earlier and stored it at his mothers. It hadn't run for ages but he had done a great job of storing it, even the discs had been greased up, so with a bit of elbow grease and a little bit of cossing I got it up and running only to find that it lost oil like the torry canyon. With further investigation it was clear that the that the motor had been rebored and put back together by a monkey with no thumbs. Anyway, long story short, arm and a leg later, warped head sorted and nearly finished the rebuild but find myself in the sticky position of having too many toys and wanting another one, so may have to sell the old girl ( much to my daughters disgust, but she ain't gonna buy me my new toy), not my favoured option but, c'est la vie, eh?
    Anyway folks, keep up the good work, will try and get some photies up, ttfn
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