I may be trading the Rocket 3GT for a T120 Icon. I am having wrist and hand problems and the Rocket is a handful, a lighter bike make be needed, that and the Rocket is going to get me a ticket I exceed 100 every time I take her out.
You think they might come quite low, because they know it probably won't turn around quickly?All hinges of what the dealer offers me for the Rocket.
And one the R3 is high end, twice the price of a T120 new. Your best price is likely selling it yourself.Exactly, the R3 is a unique bike.
You need another bike, like a R3GT. I know of a nice one.Alrighty, you've checked. A T-120 is a great all-rounder (I have one) and fun in the twisties too, so hope you can make it happen.